• Norwood Forum

Welcome to Norwood Forum

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Norwood Forum is run by local volunteers dedicated to fostering a sustainable, vibrant, and creative community. Our goal is to make a meaningful difference to the quality of life for everyone who lives, studies and works in Norwood.

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We post community and Lambeth Council newsletters here as we receive them. Don't forget to look at our Events page for community events and more.

Following the round table discussions at our AGM in July, Norwood Forum has been busy collating all the comments we have collected during the first half of this year. Find out more.

You may recall that Norwood Forum launched the Streetworks community project in 2013, aimed at enhancing the street landscape from Tulse Hill to West Norwood. While much of the project has been completed, a few final elements are still to be finished.

Streetworks Update

About StreetWorks

StreetWorks is a unique community-led project to improve Norwood and Tulse Hill.  The project is funded by Transport for London and supported by officers at Lambeth Council. The Norwood Forum, the Tulse Hill Forum, local councillors and community groups are working together with residents, businesses, schools and road users to design a better space, remove the one-way system at Tulse Hill and provide training and support for future local projects.

Click for latest Streeetworks news