• Norwood Forum

Tulse Hill Gyratory Update March 2025

Transport for London (TfL) has approved funding for design work and consultation on additional changes to the Tulse Hill Gyratory. Interim measures, introduced after a major road traffic incident in February 2023 were completed by January 2025. They have been hailed by residents and campaigners as a success in reducing traffic speed and improving safety at pedestrian crossing points.


TfL held meetings with local politicians and council officers following the completion of these works and revitalised pressure from local residents. Various design ideas were presented, none of which currently have allocated funding. These ranged from light touch tweaks to the existing gyratory to major design changes, with some options re-examining plans to bus gate the eastern arm of the gyratory that were cancelled due to TfL’s financial difficulties in 2019. 


No further funding has been allocated for any works although traffic modelling will be conducted over the next 12-18 months and the installation of a VivaCity camera was discussed. This is not a speed camera, but will help record road traffic incidents more accurately as improved safety is the core aim. Further design details are scheduled to be shared by August 2025 with public consultation to follow. This is considerably behind on the previous timelines given in 2023 and Norwood Forum supports, and is involved, with efforts being made for this deadline to be brought forwards. Further changes are also being lobbied for by local MP Helen Hayes, Lambeth’s Deputy Leader & Vice Chair of London’s Transport & Environment Committee, Rezina Chowdhury, London Assembly Member for Lambeth and Southwark, Marina Ahmed & St Martin's Ward Councillors Olga Fitzroy and Saleha Jaffer. 

Norwood Forum has been involved in proposals to remove the Tulse Hill Gyratory since 2013. Tulse Hill Gyratory is still currently included in TfL’s Transformational Schemes Programme and remains one of Norwood Forum's top transport priorities. We will continue to support residents, politicians and campaigns focusing on improvements and maintain our lobbying efforts for Lambeth to establish where this work sits within their priorities and those if TfL.