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The Happiness Fund DEADLINE Friday 28 March
The Happiness Fund, established by Laughology, offers grants of £5,000 to grassroots, neighbourhood-based projects that aim to improve mental health, wellbeing, inclusion, learning, and skills development in local communities.
What Do They Fund?
The Fund supports projects that:
- Enhance mental health and wellbeing, fostering happiness within communities.
- Promote inclusion, ensuring diverse community participation.
- Facilitate learning and skills development, empowering individuals with new abilities.
Applicants must demonstrate how their project can become self-sustaining or attract long-term funding from other sources.
Who Can Apply?
Eligible applicants include:
- Grassroots, non-profit organisations that are community-based and non-political.
- Individuals and small businesses initiating projects with a focus on longevity and community benefit.
Please note, the Fund does not support large national charities, one-off events, salary payments, medical treatments, or schools.
This is a valuable opportunity for community-focused projects to secure funding that fosters happiness and wellbeing.
DEADLINE Friday 28 March
Apply here -