This webpage covers the following:
- Crime prevention: staying safe on the street
- Crime prevention: keep your home safe from burglary
- Crime prevention: theft from vehicles
- How to report a missing person
- Which police force covers Norwood - and how to contact them
- Reporting a possible sighting of a missing person
- Reputable organisations that offer missing person support
- Other relevant resources: Norwood Forum, Lambeth Council, Lambeth Safeguarding Children Partnership, Victim Support
- How to use the internet safely to find help and support you need
- Safe Spaces scheme
- 'Ask for Angela' scheme
- Norwood Forum: Community Safety Partnership
- Background.
Tips from the Metropolitan Police for staying safe
Tips from the Metropolitan Police to prevent burglary
Tips from the Metropolitan Police to prevent theft from vehicles
What should you do if you think someone is missing
If someone goes missing, contact anyone you think may know their whereabouts - if you’re still concerned, contact the police. You do not have to wait 24 hours before contacting the police.
Contacting the Police
We are in the Metropolitan Police Force area.
If the missing person is in immediate danger, is a young child, or vulnerable to harm, call 999 immediately.
If none of the above, phone 101 or complete the online missing persons form, here is the link:
Your report will be dealt with by the control room in exactly the same way, whether you report it online or call 101.
The police may ask you:
- for their photo
- details of their friends or relatives
- details of places the person often visits
- whether they had a medical condition
- for a sample of their DNA, for example from a toothbrush.
With a relative’s permission, they may also ask to search the person’s home. The person will be recorded as missing and their details made available to other UK police forces within 48 hours.
Report a sighting of a missing person
If you spot a missing person contact the police on 101.
If you want to remain anonymous, you can contact Missing People to report the sighting.
Reputable organisations providing support and resources for missing persons
UK Missing Persons Unit
The Missing Persons Unit is the UK national and international point of contact for all missing person and unidentified body cases. They are the only UK agency focused exclusively on missing people and serve all UK police forces as well as overseas police agencies. They are a hub for the exchange of information and provision of expertise on the subject of missing persons and provide a comprehensive service for all missing person investigations, supporting law enforcement and other agencies. Their national database provides a unique function enabling the cross-matching of outstanding missing individuals with unidentified people, bodies and remains.
Missing People
Founded in 1993 by sisters Mary Asprey OBE and Janet Newman OBE, Missing People is a UK charity that provides specialist support to people who are or at risk of missing, and the families and friends left behind. Their free, confidential helpline is available by phone, text and email to support missing children and adults, and their loved ones.
Other resources
Norwood Forum
We have an extensive list of contact details for organisations widely involved in personal health and wellbeing including Gaia Centre, run by Refuge in Lambeth - providing support in any cases of gender-based violence, and the Suzy Lamplugh Trust, the National Stalking Helpline. Find all of this information here:
Lambeth Council
Lambeth also have an extensive list of resources on their Violence Against Women and Girls webpage: and specifically to report concerns about children’s welfare:
Lambeth Safeguarding Children Partnership
LSCP brings together a range of statutory and voluntary organisations working with and for children and young people in Lambeth, find out more here:
Victim Support
If you’ve been affected by crime, Victim Support can give you the support you need to move forward. Their services are free, confidential and available to anyone in England and Wales, regardless of whether the crime has been reported or how long ago it happened. Their contact details can be found here:
How to use the internet safely to find support and help?
Met Police have a very useful section: How to hide your browser history
Safe Spaces scheme
You may have noticed the logo below on various utility and other service websites, for instance on Thames Water - scroll to the end of this page.
If you click on the Safe Spaces logo it takes you to a page full of resources that also:
- This is a Safe Space for victims of domestic abuse.
- This webpage leaves no trace in your internet history.
- To exit this page quickly, click Escape Site (top right corner).
Clicking on 'Escape Site' takes you back to the original webpage - in this example Thames Water.
The Safe Spaces scheme is run by UK SAYS NO MORE who are a national campaign that seek to raise awareness to end domestic abuse and sexual violence across the UK. UK SAYS NO MORE seeks to unite and strengthen a diverse community of members and organisations nationwide to actively take a stand against domestic abuse and sexual violence under one powerful, visual symbol. The campaign provides open-source tools and resources for individuals and organisations to take action and get involved in making a difference. Together we can challenge the myths and misconceptions around these issues, share resources and information, and ultimately work together to make real positive change. Find out more here.
Ask for Angela
Started in 2016, this scheme is used by bars and other venues to keep people safe from sexual assault by using a codeword to identify when they are in danger or are in an uncomfortable situation. When an establishment uses this program, a person who believes themselves to be in danger can ask for Angela, a fictitious member of the staff. The staff will then help the person get home discreetly and safely by either escorting them to a different room, calling them a taxi and escorting them to it, or by asking the other party member to leave the establishment.
2021: Lambeth Council: In memory of Sarah Everard
2021: London Mayor: Mayor's Violence Against Women and Girls Strategy 2018-2021
2018: London Mayor: Pledge to improve women’s safety at night in London