• Norwood Forum

Safer Norwood

The safety of our community is a high priority for Norwood Forum. However, we have taken the decision to end our role as a co-host of the Community Safety Partnership (CSP) with the Lambeth Safer Neighbourhood Board.
An initiative led by our committee colleague Philip Virgo, the CSP will transistion to become a pilot community cluster, co-hosted by the Lambeth Neighbourhood Watch Association, working with and through the local area Neighbourhood Watches and Safe Neighbourhood Panels. Philip is the Development Lead for Neighbourhood Watch for Lambeth.
There are several reasons we have mutually agreed to end our hosting relationship:
1. Data protection: The CSP holds a separate database for distribution of its monthly newsletter. This does not comply with our Privacy Policy.
2. Accountability: The CSP is described as a 'partnership of equals, not accountable to the Norwood Forum', which makes it very difficult for us to act as a responsible host.
3. Coverage: The CSP has a scope and ambition that expands beyond the geographical area of the Norwood Forum. With our limited resources, we must focus our efforts on our local community in Tulse Hill, West Norwood and Gipsy Hill.  
Norwood Forum will continue to maintain key information on community safety on our website under the Useful Info menu tab. This includes Personal Safety and Help and Emergency Services, as well as latest news and events on matters of community safety via all of its information platforms - and in doing so will maintain a close working relationship with the CSP.
We plan to have a committee representative attend each of the four Safer Neighbourhood Panel meetings in our area (West Dulwich, St Martin's, Knight's Hill and Gipsy Hill), so we can directly raise issues of concern with the police and keep our community informed on what they are saying as well. We will publish the information gathered on dedicated pages under this Community Safety tab.
Contact the new CSP
Please use this email: community@winsafe.ltd
What are your main safety concerns?
Please let Norwood Forum know so we can most effectively direct our energies to the issues that matter the most to our community: info@norwoodforum.org