• Norwood Forum

Tulse Hill Gyratory Safety Scheme

Update 1 February 2025
The planned works to the Gyratory are now complete. Below are some photos taken by local residents to show them in action.
This does not mean the campaign to remove the Gyratory has ceased and the campaign stakeholder group, with extremely helpful support from Councillor Olga Fitzroy, are waiting on the promised further briefing update from TfL, so more to follow ...


On Monday 25 November 2024 Transport for London (TfL) will be proceeding with the range of interim interventions at the Tulse Hill gyratory which aim to improve safety for pedestrians and other road users in this area by slowing the speed of traffic on approach to the pedestrian crossings. This follows the TfL consultation on the scheme, which we reported a few weeks ago.

The TfL scheme will:

  • Narrow the carriageway and introduce ‘slow’ markings in order to slow down traffic.

  • Provide more pavement space to improve the pedestrian experience.

  • Improve pedestrian visibility to drivers by removing over hanging foliage, reduce the number of large chevron signs, upgrade the bollards on the zebra islands, and improve Belisha Beacons visibility by placing hoods on them.

As a result of the consultation, TfL has amended the original scheme by removing the plan to install some bollards; this will enable the ease of movement by buses around the gyratory and aid buses serving the Hardel Rise bus stand.

The letter to local residents is set out below. This includes details of lane restrictions on Christchurch Road, Hardel Rise and Tulse Hill over various periods during the works (Monday 25 November - Friday 20 December 2024).