• Norwood Forum

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Norwood Forum is run by local volunteers dedicated to fostering a sustainable, vibrant, and creative community. Our goal is to make a meaningful difference to the quality of life for everyone who lives, studies and works in Norwood.

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The Norwood Pensioners’ Group was established in response to a need for local services for older people in the Norwood area. All activities take place every Tuesday (term time only) at the Old Library.

Lambeth Council is proposing a traffic filter at Leigham Vale/Palace Road to reduce through traffic and bypassing of the Tulse Hill gyratory, along with a new cycle path and greening. Local residents were notified by letter on 11 November.

Due to 2022 legislation, some EU citizens will lose their automatic right to vote or stand for election. Lambeth’s Electoral Services Team is reviewing all EU citizens currently registered to vote and will contact them to confirm their eligibility to remain on the electoral register.

Streetworks Update

About StreetWorks

StreetWorks is a unique community-led project to improve Norwood and Tulse Hill.  The project is funded by Transport for London and supported by officers at Lambeth Council. The Norwood Forum, the Tulse Hill Forum, local councillors and community groups are working together with residents, businesses, schools and road users to design a better space, remove the one-way system at Tulse Hill and provide training and support for future local projects.

Click for latest Streeetworks news