• Norwood Forum


London's recovery starts with you

The Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, has established the London Recovery Board, with leaders from City Hall, London Councils, businesses, the community and voluntary sectors, trade unions, academia, and health and police services, to guidie London's recovery from the pandemic. The Mayor wants all Londoners to have the opportunity to give their input. 

Get a meal discount with the Eat Out to Help Out Scheme

The scheme to get a 50% discount (up to £10) when you eat in at restaurants that are registered with the Eat Out to Help Out Scheme runs every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday until 31 August 2020.

You don’t need a voucher; the rules and how to find the participating restaurants, cafes etc is all here on the Government Eat Out to Help Out Scheme web page.

Make Summer Memorable: children’s workshops

The South London Botanical Institute is running a Make Summer Memorable programme of workshops for children aged 7-13 years in the SLBI gardens, and has a downloadable trail to three locations and guidance on how to make a mini-zine and a flower press.

Youth Theatre Summer Class 2020

The South London Theatre, with the assistance from The Heritage Lottery Fund, are hosting a week of theatre workshops for teenagers to get them doing something creative and fun. Register today ideally, or by the end of this weekend at a pinch.
