• Norwood Forum


Only ask for what you need

NHS Lambeth Clinical Commissioning Group is asking people to help reduce the cost of medicines waste. People on repeat prescriptions are being asked to avoid stockpiling medicines by checking how much medicine they have at home before asking for more.

It is estimated that £90 million of unused prescription medicines are kept in people's homes. Every prescription costs the NHS money, even if a prescription charge is paid. Unused prescription medicine costs the NHS around £300 million each year. This is money that could be spent on vital NHS services.

Harpenden mini-garden

As part of the Streetworks project it was discovered that 248 Norwood Road had grabbed a piece of public pavement to create a private car park that later became a dumping hot spot and a resting place for old mattresses.  Having recovered the area, created a green space and planted it up, Streetworks are hoping that someone will now tend the garden.  If any local resident(s) / gardeners would like to take it on and make the Norwood Road a better place then please step forward: info@norwoodforum.org.

Help refugees in Calais and rough sleepers in London

Emmaus Lambeth, 9-11 Knights Hill, are collecting items to support refugees and rough sleepers on Mitzah Day, 18 November. Please clearly label items "MITZVAH DAY" and if you would like to volunteer to sort, box and deliver donations then drop in and speak to one of the staff.

Building A Safer West Norwood

On 24 October Norwood Forum organised the West Norwood Community Safety & Crime Reduction Planning Meeting attended by the police, local councillors and various local groups.

The last public consultation on community safety was over a decade ago and the meeting set out to start the process of creating a network of safety partnerships and projects to serve the communities of West Norwood and improving communications between the various groups.

The main discussion points were: 

Lambeth Five Year Licensing Review

Norwood Forum has responded to Lambeth’s draft Licensing Policy 2019-2024 covering all licensed activities, including opening times for establishments such as cinemas, clubs, indoor sporting events, large events held in parks as well as the supply of alcohol.   This will apply to all  new licence applications or to applications for a variation of an existing licence application and any proposals.  Current license holders will not be affected.

Electric vehicle charging places

Four new spaces for charging electric vehicles are coming to Norwood:

Gipsy Hill:

Carnac Street (off Gipsy Road)

Mountbatten Close (near the railway station). Plus an additional car club place.

West Norwood:

Casewick Road

St. Julians Farm Road (railway station end)

Lambeth Local Plan Review: Your chance to shape Lambeth’s future

Lambeth Council’s Local Plan sets out the vision for the development of the borough for the next 15 years - but some updates are needed so as to ensure it is in line with national planning law and policy and the Mayor of London’s London Plan. The current consultation on draft changes runs until 17 December.

What is the local plan?

Voter registration – act now!

You may not have realised, but voter registration is an annual process, and the current register comes to an end over the next few weeks. Act now if you have not already done so. You need to be registered to vote in local or national elections.

Household Enquiry Forms (HEFs) were sent out by Lambeth Council in July, the first reminder at the end of August and a further reminder in the last week of October.

Its very easy to confirm your details for another year or get registered for the first time:

Using your HEF:
