• Norwood Forum


Electric vehicle charging places

Four new spaces for charging electric vehicles are coming to Norwood:

Gipsy Hill:

Carnac Street (off Gipsy Road)

Mountbatten Close (near the railway station). Plus an additional car club place.

West Norwood:

Casewick Road

St. Julians Farm Road (railway station end)

Lambeth Local Plan Review: Your chance to shape Lambeth’s future

Lambeth Council’s Local Plan sets out the vision for the development of the borough for the next 15 years - but some updates are needed so as to ensure it is in line with national planning law and policy and the Mayor of London’s London Plan. The current consultation on draft changes runs until 17 December.

What is the local plan?

Voter registration – act now!

You may not have realised, but voter registration is an annual process, and the current register comes to an end over the next few weeks. Act now if you have not already done so. You need to be registered to vote in local or national elections.

Household Enquiry Forms (HEFs) were sent out by Lambeth Council in July, the first reminder at the end of August and a further reminder in the last week of October.

Its very easy to confirm your details for another year or get registered for the first time:

Using your HEF:

West Norwood Library & Picturehouse

At last the opening date for the new West Norwood Library and Picturehouse on Norwood High Street, next door to the West Norwood Cemetery, has been confirmed - Friday 9 November 2018

The new facility is expected to provide "a wonderful resource for learning, culture and entertainment, with a fully stocked and staffed town centre library with excellent facilities and technology alongside a cinema and bar, with community meeting space and employment opportunities."  

More news will follow as soon as we have it! 

Windrush compensation scheme

The public consultation period on the proposed government scheme of compensation for the Windrush generation, who have faced difficulties in demonstrating their lawful status under the immigration system, will close on 16 November at 5pm.

Free trees from The Mayor for mass planting weekend

The Mayor is inviting Londoners, schools and local community groups to apply for 49,000 free trees as part of a mass planting of 75,000 trees over the weekend of Saturday 1 and Sunday 2 December. The event is being organised by the Mayor of London as part of his plan to help make the capital become a National Park City and to help mark National Tree Week

Changes to Bus Services: TfL consultation

TfL are consulting on proposed big changes to bus services in central London. The only local route directly affected is the number 3 down South Croxted Road which will no longer go beyond Whitehall. However there will be other implications for West Norwood; for instance the 68 will get a lot busier between Holborn and Camberwell as the 171 is being withdrawn north of Elephant & Castle.

Rathbone Youth Club - Sessional youth workers needed

Rathbone Youth Club, based at the Old Library on Knights Hill, has been successful in getting a grant from the Home Office Anti-Knife Crime Community Fund.  As a result they are recruiting sessional youth workers to be based in West Norwood.

Nature Vibezzz need help to research Knights Hill Wood and Tivoli Park

Nature Vibezzz has been awarded a grant from the National Heritage Lottery to create a Memories, Heritage and Community of Knights Hill Woods and Tivoli Park project and as part of the project they are looking to research the historic and natural heritage of the site and are looking for people to share their memories of Knights Hill Woods, Tivoli Park and the local area.
