• Norwood Forum


Lambeth fortnightly black bin collection: update

We reported previously on Lambeth Council's decision to start its fortnightly black bin rubbish collections from April 2024, in order to increase recycling rates in the borough. This Love Lambeth story advises that fortnightly collections have actually already started in part of our area.

Age Friendly Lambeth

Lambeth Council has committed to become an Age Friendly Borough. This means the Council will focus on the key areas of community life, as recommended by the WHO Age Friendly Cities framework, and create social and built environments that promote healthy and active later lives for all residents.

Community newsletters

We have received a flurry of very welcome newsletters over the past few days illustrating clearly how much is going on in our local community.

River Effra bursts its banks!

Well not quite but the latest Thames Water mains burst in West Norwood town centre from Saturday 27 January 2024 closed Norwood High Street to all traffic from outside West Norwood Cemetery to Dunbar Street. For the avoidance of any doubt, buses and all traffic are now able to travel both northbound and southbound through the town centre.

Lambeth Health & Wellbeing Bus

Lambeth Health & Wellbeing Bus will be visiting our area this week and next, offering health advice sessions focusing on heart health.
