• Norwood Forum


Lambeth Larder Crowdfunding Campaign

Lambeth Larder is a social enterprise based in south London. They make free resources to help connect local people to emergency food and other help, like advice and debt support, mental health services, etc. They formed a valuable link in the help and support chain of information during the height of Covid-19. Here is their website: www.lambethlarder.org/

Lambeth Summer Camp

Camp is now FULL - but please check their website for cancellations: www.lambethsummercamps.org/

The 2021 Summer Camp, managed and run by Lambeth Safer Schools Officers, will cater for about 125 youngsters aged 9 to 16 from 27 July to 19 August at St Martin in the Fields School in Tulse Hill.

High Trees Crowdfunding Campaign

Plans are underway to refurbish St.Martins Learning Centre, and to ensure the local community decides on the design for the external façade. The building is in increasing state of disrepair with no capital investment for over 22 years, and this has adversely affected the work undertaken and services delivered by High Trees, even more so since Covid 19.  

Lambeth Libraries Children's Book Festival and much more for June

June is another busy month for Lambeth Libraries, and there is a fantastic line up of events and activities for you to do online. There are many celebrations during June and hopefully there is something for everyone whether you're celebrating LGBTQ+ Pride, the Windrush generation, Gypsy, Roma and Traveller History Month, Refugee week or are a lover of authors and great writing. 
