• Norwood Forum


Sign up to the Lambeth Carers Card today

Carers’ Hub Lambeth and MYsocial are working in partnership to deliver the Lambeth Carers Card. The Lambeth Carers Card connects unpaid carers to helpful information and resources. It includes: 

Where do I vote?

Thursday 6 May is election day and in London we are voting for the London Mayor and the London Assembly (made up of constitutency representatives and London wide representatives). What this means in real terms is three ballot papers and four votes (you get a first and second choice for London Mayor).

Urgent: Covid marshals sought this Thursday

The GP Federation need some additional support at their Montgomery Hall clinic site this Thursday 6 May. There are two volunteer shifts – morning 8:15a, to 1:30pm and afternoon 1:15pm to 6:30pm, and they are hoping for ten volunteers each shift.

UPDATE: Windsor Grove planning application

Urban & Provincial, on behalf of Southwark Metals, have made further amendments to the Windsor Grove and related Shakespeare Wharf, Herne Hill planning applications.
