• Norwood Forum


Lambeth Site Allocation Development Plans Draft (SADPD for short)

The Stakeholders: Norwood Forum, Norwood Planning Assembly, Station to Station BID, Norwood Action Group and Local Councillors have been ‘briefed’ by Lambeth Council's Development Team in a one hour meeting and that is all the public engagement that Lambeth are prepared to do. We do not consider this sufficient for such radical proposals for our neighbourhood. We shall be campaigning vigorously to have Site 18 and Site 19 removed from this Draft. 

Wellbeing Education Sessions - Free to Lambeth Locals

Children’s emotional wellbeing is just as important as their physical health. Good mental health helps them develop the resilience to cope with whatever life throws at them and grow into well-rounded, healthy adults.

Its Sprng!

Well almost. The Lambeth Horticultural Society hut is reopening on Sunday 13 February 2022 10am-12:30pm.

Have your say on Clean Air Lambeth

Lambeth Council has adopted a new ambitious Air Quality Vision to improve the quality of the air we breath for the health of the whole borough.

Family Safety Online

A short course to keep you and your family safe online and feel more in control. Suitable for parents, grandparents & carers.

Polling station and district review

Lambeth Council's Electoral Services has completed and published the statutory review of the location of polling stations and new polling districts in the 25 new wards across the borough. In collaboration with Friends of Gipsy Hill, and in light of other local comments, we participated in the original call for views and made representations covering the new Gipsy Hill, Knights Hill, West Dulwich and St. Martin's wards. 
