• Norwood Forum


Open Orchard community gardening

Its the planting season so Open Orchard has not been hibernating. With new fruit trees arriving shortly which will be ready for planting next month, a number of planting dates and locations for the coming weeks will be fixed.

Lambeth Biodiversity Forum

Norwood Forum has been invited to join the Lambeth Biodiversity Forum and attended its first meeting last week at the fantastic Roots and Shoots (well worth a visit!). This is led by Lambeth Landscapes and has a very broad membership that includes both national, regional, local and volunteer organisations.

Community TechAid: Device quickstart

Personalised set-up support is now offered by Commnity TechAid to their recipients. Many users struggle getting set up and these one-to-one sessions will help build confidence and allow those supported by Community TechAid to get the most out of their device.

#healthygipsyhill - new small grants scheme for Gipsy Hill

We are delighted to launch a brand new funding scheme designed to enhance the health & wellbeing of (primarily) the residents of Gipsy Hill. Applications are sought now from organisations, especially local ones.

The scheme is part of a programme of innovative work being undertaken by Lambeth Council Public Health to improve health and wellbeing at a local neighbourhood level, particularly focusing on residents and communities that experience poor health and wellbeing outcomes. Norwood Forum is managing the scheme,
