• Norwood Forum



Carers4Carers is a social enterprise that offers a range of services to improve the social, physical, emotional and financial wellbeing of unpaid carers and their families. 

 A carer is defined as a child or adult who cares for a family member, partner or friend, who needs help because of illness, frailty, disability, a mental health condition or addiction and requires support to live a more fulfilling life.

Ready Steady Go!

Ready Steady Go! (RSG) is a FREE healthy lifestyle after school and weekend club for children above the healthy weight and their families. Since the start, just over 800 families from 17 different cultural backgrounds have entered this programme.

RSG are now looking for families who want to lead healthier lifestyles to take part in the latest programme which begins in September 2019. Statistics from previous programmes have demonstrated the benefits of attending RSG:

Norwood Forum Annual Community Grants - and what they each did with the money

At our recent AGM the Forum was pleased to announce the recipients of our Annual Community Grant Scheme: each were awarded £400. We are now delighted to announce that those grants have been wisely spent by these notable local organisations – really highlighting the breadth of activity in our community.

And this is what they did:

Call for community members for the Lambeth Neighbourhood Health and Wellbeing Alliance

Lambeth Together are looking for people living in Lambeth, who have experience of using its health and care services, to help the Lambeth Neighbourhood Health and Wellbeing Alliance.

As part of Lambeth Together, the Alliance works on improving the health and wellbeing of local people, and plans to do this by bringing together services and activities by local area, or ‘neighbourhood’ and in the community. This will help services to work in a more joined up way.

Lambeth Together believes that:

Our streets – Gipsy Hill Ward

Last year Lambeth Council sought ideas for each ward in the south of the borough on how to improve local streets under the banner “Our Streets”. The main focus of Our Streets is on speed limits and traffic calming; parking and loading arrangements; crossing points; car clubs; cycling facilities; public realm improvements; seating; bins; greenery; signage and removal of street clutter. Ward councillors then published proposals and sought comments from local residents.

The approved schemes are now being implemented ward by ward.  In Gipsy Hill these are:

Lambeth’s cycle hangar installation: have your say

In order to encourage more people to cycle and use cycling as a mode of transport, Lambeth Council has been helping residents who have nowhere to store their bikes by installing specially designed secure Lambeth Bikehangars for them to rent.

Is there another election brewing?

Lambeth Council has sent out the annual Household Enquiry Forms “HEFs”. Look out for an envelope like the attached.  Its easiest to respond on line - using the security codes in the letter. You must respond to make sure you will remain on next year’s electoral register and therefore eligible to vote, and to correct any errors. Do not lose your vote.

To register for the first time, there’s a simple on-line process which will take five minutes.  

Lammy Awards

Health and care awards set up in Lambeth to recognise people who go the extra mile to provide exceptional health and care support, the Lammy Awards were first launched by NHS Lambeth Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) in 2015. They seek to recognise NHS and council staff, health and care teams and individuals who live and work in the borough.

 The CCG states:
