• Norwood Forum


Thames Water Mains Works 2019 now to continue to 20 December

It was announced at yesterday’s public meeting, that the current phase of works along Norwood Road will now not end on 14 December but continue to Friday 20 December 2019. This is to enable the works at Lancaster Avenue to be completed before Christmas and so remove the need to close Lancaster Avenue again in 2020.  The remaining work of this phase is to complete the Elmcourt Road to Ullswater Road section of new pipe, excavate some trial holes and do the connections to the new pipe work.

Thrale Charity grants

With a mission to use their resources to help improve the lives of people in the ancient parish of Streatham, applications for grant funding can be made to the Thrale Charity.

Applications for work with those in conditions of need, hardship or distress, will be accepted from registered charities, institutions, organisations or groups having a suitably recognised status. Groups applying should be working with people in need who live in SW2, SW12, SW16, SW17, SE21, SE24 and SE27. The closing date is 3 January 2020.

Urgent: Thames Water Norwood Road works - public meeting Wednesday 4 December 2019 (5:30-7pm)

Thurlow Park Ward Councillors have today let us know they have arranged a public meeting tomorrow night. This will include a presentation on plans for the works starting on 6 January 2020 and how the project will look until completion (June 2020?).

We have asked the Councillors to ensure that all relevant officers are in attendance so that there can be an understanding on all related traffic management and bus matters.

If you cannot attend at this late notice but have a question, you can either:

Social prescribing event: Wednesday 18 December

An event aimed at local community groups providing services to local people helping our residents to become more active, connecting them into the local community and signposting them to new services/ groups.

Free cargo bike delivery service for West Norwood and environs

To be launched at West Norwood Feast this Sunday 1 December 2019 - find out more by visiting the Peddle My Wheels stall at the Family Hub by the West Norwood Health & Leisure Centre.

Station to Station, in collaboration with Lambeth Council, Peddle My Wheels and local bike shop Bon Velo, have launched this free shop and drop service. Walk or cycle into town, do your shopping, drop it off at Bon Velo and the electric bike will deliver it later in the day.

New adult shared reading group

This group meets at West Norwood Library every Thursday (6:30-8pm), raising funds for the charity The Reader which promotes connecting with each other through reading a great work of literature together.

A guide to save energy

London Sustainability Exchange, in partnership with Lambeth Council, has published a comprehensive guide on measures you can take to save money, save energy and live more comfortably. It covers:
