• Norwood Forum


Norwood Road resurfacing works

Further to our last article and the disappointing news that Lambeth Council had had to postpone at the eleventh hour the planned resurfacing works along Norwood Road in the West Norwood town centre, we now understand that plans are being worked up to undertake the works in January or February 2023. We will publish more definitive news when we have it.

Dulwich and West Norwood Constituency set to remain

Following a large number of objections (including our own) to their original proposals, we are pleased to learn that the Boundary Commission for England has ditched its plans to split West Norwood between two Parliamentary constituencies. The Dulwich and West Norwood constituency will remain largely unchanged in the latest published proposals for the country-wide boundary review of parliamentary constituencies. But there is now a further consultation period and we would encourage everyone to write to support the latest proposals (see further below in this article). 

Lambeth: Fruit and Veg on prescription project

Lambeth Council is launching a new pilot project offering fruit and vegetables on prescription to residents. It aims to support vulnerable adults in the borough tackle ill health and food poverty.

Visual Communication and Design course for 18-30 year olds

198 Contemporary Arts are starting a ‘Fast Forward into…. Visual Communication and Design’ course on Thursdays and Fridays - commences late November. The course is for Lambeth residents aged 18-30 who are not in full time employment or education and are looking to get started in a career in the design world.
