• Norwood Forum


West Norwood Health and Leisure Centre: improvements to grounds

Lambeth Council is proposing some changes to the grounds at West Norwood Health and Leisure Centre to improve the safety and cleanliness of the area for children and to attract natural wildlife while maintaining a green space for our community to use. Some proposals have been developed in response to feedback from local people about how they would like the space to be used. These are:

Our streets

Under the banner “Our Streets”, Lambeth Council wants your ideas on how to improve local streets to make your neighbourhood a better place to live. This could include more street trees, greening, more traffic calming, or improving road safety. Our Streets is the latest phase of the Neighbourhood Enhancement Programme and has been developed by Lambeth in order to totally change the process of undertaking consultation on street improvements.

Between the Tracks After School Club: vacancy for sessional worker

Want to make a difference to the lives of inner-city young people?

4All are hiring a sessional worker for their Between the Tracks After School Club (BTT).

BTT help support young people aged 8-12 through engaging, constructive and enjoyable activities. BTT’s members live on or near three social housing estates in West Dulwich.

Job terms:  6 hours per week (Mondays and Wednesdays 3-6pm) during term time plus some holiday activities: £12 per hour.

Lambeth wins London Mayor’s Cultural Impact Award

Lambeth Council has won a Cultural Impact Award for £200k for its project Lambeth – Next Generation. Lambeth will work with young black, Asian and minority ethnic (BAME) Londoners to help them develop careers in the arts – inspiring the next generation of artists and cultural leaders. It will be supported by major cultural institutions across the borough including the South Bank Centre, Old Vic, BFI and the National Theatre.

Volunteer for Feast in 2018!

Feast starts up again on Sunday 1 April (10am-4pm) and is then held the first Sunday of every month until December 2018. Feast is run almost entirely by volunteers; a team of local people comes together each year to 'make West Norwood an even better place to live'. It is volunteers who book the hundred or so market stalls, who organise the free activities, who schedule the musical performances. This is a pretty impressive thing, but they can always do with more help!

Looking ahead for StreetWorks in 2018

2018 is set to be an exciting year for the StreetWorks scheme - the community led project which is making improvements to Norwood Road and the one-way system in Tulse Hill. For the next couple of months we will be putting the finishing touches to the improvements along Norwood Road. We will need your further help with this, as we want to know where benches, bins and trees should go. More information on this will be coming soon. 

Brockwell Park - Field Day Festival

Although Love Box have withdrawn their application Field Day has been given permission to go ahead and the event is likely to be held on Friday 1 June and Saturday 2 June 2018 subject to obtaining licensing permission.

West Norwood Cemetery: update

At the West Norwood Cemetery steering group meeting held at the end of January approval was given to submit the packages of work for pre-planning application advice as soon as possible.  This includes the visitor centre plans for the lodge, pedestrian entrances at Hubbard road and Robson Road, work on St Stephens Chapel and 16 other monuments and proposals for the site’s drainage and pathway works. 

Preparation for public consultation on the cemetery plans is underway and is expected to be held in March. 

Ultra Low Emission Zone: is your car caught?

A central London Ultra Low Emission Zone (ULEZ) will start operating in just over a year’s time in April 2019.  It will cover exactly the same area as the Congestion Charge Zone and the current T-charge zone which is charging £10 a day for vehicles not meeting the Euro 4/V1 standards.

Its easy to check whether your vehicle meets the necessary criteria; simply enter the registration number here: https://tfl.gov.uk/modes/driving/ultra-low-emission-zone/vrm-checker-ulez

Lambeth Together: health and care services in Lambeth

Lambeth Together is an exciting new development, bringing together different organisations to work together to co-ordinate and deliver health and care services in our Borough. There will be a fully integrated care system for people who live and work in Lambeth. You can read more about their plans in the presentation on their website, which includes at slide 12 ways you can get involved now. 

In brief, Lambeth Together is being developed as a collaboration between those who have a major role to play in these services and local people:
