• Norwood Forum


Ease stress and save money

Healthwatch Lambeth have an online event on Wednesday 12 October 2022 (12:30pm-2:00pm); join and take away tips to save money on food and energy.

Healthwatch Lambeth: September news

Healthwatch Lambeth is your health and social care champion. They aim to listen to what people like about services and what could be improved, and share people's views with NHS leaders and other care providers to make change happen. The highlights in their latest newsletter include:

London Open House

Spread this year over two weekends from Thursday 8 September to Wednesday 21 September 2022, the programme can be viewed here.

Living with diabetes? What matters to you?

Our local NHS (NHS South East London) wants to hear from people with lived experience of diabetes. What are the issues that really matter to them about the health and care services they use? They are particularly keen to hear the voices of people from Black African, Black Caribbean and South Asian heritage, as these groups are more at risk of diabetes and more at risk of experiencing diabetes complications.

Get your free life-saving blood pressure check

If you’re aged 40 or over, you can now get free life-saving blood pressure checks at your local NHS pharmacy. The checks take up to 15 minutes and are carried out by a community pharmacist. It is hoped that the easy to access service will prevent 140 heart attacks and 200 strokes across South East London each year.
