• Norwood Forum


West Norwood Peregrines

As you walk round West Norwood, look up – you might see one of the most thrilling sights in nature.

The drastic decline of the peregrine falcon after the second world war was partly caused by widespread pesticide use, but stricter controls were introduced and the population recovered. In particular they’ve flourished in London, where tall buildings such as Tate Modern offer similar nest sites to the cliff ledges they prefer in coastal areas. And with feral pigeons abundant, there’s no shortage of prey. 

Gipsy Hill Station Garden: community days of action

The Friends of Gipsy Hill have organised a series of community days of action to maintain the Gipsy Hill Station Garden (alongside Salisbury Road). All are welcome on the following Saturdays (10am-2pm):

Norwood Road water mains works start 27 May

Thames Water has sent out official notice that work will begin on 27 May 2019 and is expected to take more than a year to complete. Over the period of the works we can expect major disruptions including: - 

Lambeth Readers and Writers Festival 2019

This year’s Lambeth Readers and Writers Festival runs from Monday 29 April to Sunday 23 June with a programme of inspirational literary events throughout the Borough. Its good to see a big increase in local events:

Herne Hill Free Film Festival returns

As the West Norwood Free Film Festival closes on Saturday 27 April (8:30pm) with an outdoor screening of Spider Man at the West Norwood Health & Leisure Centre, the Herne Hill Free Film Festival opens.

European elections: get registered to vote now!

Elections for the European Parliament will take place on Thursday 23 May, unless the UK leaves the EU before that date. In the London region, electors vote for eight members to serve in the European Parliament.

Residents from EU member states who want to vote in the UK need to be registered to do so. They can choose to vote either in the UK or their home country but cannot vote in both. For further guidance click if you’re an EU citizen living in the UK.

UK residents who have already registered to vote do not need to do so again.

Recycle more food waste

Veolia, Lambeth Council’s contractor, advises:

"Only 30% of Lambeth households are using the kerbside food recycling service - even though its so easy to recycle. So we’re making it easier still to remember what, where, when & how to recycle food waste. Lambeth’s food waste recycling service has been running for almost six years. We think it’s time to remind everyone about how easy it is to recycle food waste, and give people a helping hand to get started. Its available for all kerbside properties to use.

Lambeth Events Strategy Consultation

Lambeth is consulting on a refresh of its Events Strategy – the rules covering events at parks and open spaces throughout the borough. There's an online survey where you can input your views.

Park events strategy scrutiny – public meeting

Lambeth Council receives a number of applications each summer from event organisations to hold festivals, sports events or other activities in Brockwell Park and other locations. In the last few years, especially with Love Box and Field Day last year, there have been particular concerns to the local community of noise, anti-social behaviour and the impact on the park.
