The Personalised Care team at South East London Integrated Care System (SEL ICS) are working to develop a set of information and content about personalised care for the SEL ICS website. They need people living in South East London to help them create and develop the content for the ICS website pages.
As part of the funding conditions imposed on TfL by Government in the recent funding settlement, the Mayor has outlined a number of fares proposals which he was having to explore in order to generate income. Among several options being considered are the proposals to increase the age of eligibility for the 60+ fare concession.
Children aged 1 to 9 years old in London are being offered a dose of polio vaccine. This may be an extra dose on top of their routine vaccinations or it may bring them up to date with their routine vaccinations.
Over the last few months, Healthwtch Lambeth has put together its draft strategy for 2023-25. They have identified a clear set of objectives and to be acheived, but want to hear your thoughts.
Life expectancy and healthy life expectancy has fallen in the last few years – secured research funding will help take action to reverse this trend by using research and evidence to improve the health of local people.