• Norwood Forum


A message from the Leader of Lambeth Council

Councillor Jack Hopkins, Leader of Lambeth Council, wrote on 2 April 2020 to update Lambeth residents on the council’s response to the coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic and measures in place following Government announcements. Read the message here:

West Norwood Library

All Lambeth libraries are physically closed, but continue to provide a wealth of online services to library members, which are largely free.

Norwood street histories

The Norwood Society has created a unique website dedicated to history of streets in Upper Norwood, South Norwood and West Norwood and their residents. Discover the history of your house, your road, or one nearby, by visiting the site.

Waste and recycling services news

Refuse and recycling collections continue to run, thanks to the operatives. They have been getting lots of lovely messages of support and thanks for them on social media, which is really nice. If you happen to see any of them while out on your daily exercise, give them a smile and a wave - from a safe distance!  They'll really appreciate it.

Service information is being posted here.

Norwood and Brixton Foodbank: now delivery only

As a result of the government's restrictions on movement and gatherings in public the Norwood & Brixton Foodbank teams based at St Luke's, Norwood and St Paul's, Brixton are no longer running face to face and pick up sessions and the centres are now closed. Norwood & Brixton Foodbank have moved to a full delivery service operating from the warehouse at St Margaret's, Streatham. 

Here's how you can help - and information if you need support:

Help design the Lambeth Council website

Lambeth Council is looking at new designs for its website, and needs your help! To make sure that these designs work for residents, they are looking for people who can give feedback on what has done so far. You will be able to do this remotely.
In addition to helping out your borough and making the website easier for everyone to use, you'll have opportunities to receive shopping vouchers in exchange for your time.

West Norwood Peregrines: love is in the air

An update on our Peregrines at St. Luke’s church in West Norwood

Love is in the spring air! David Hambling caught this event on camera last weekend - see photos below.
