• Norwood Forum


Could you be a foster carer hero?

Fostering Fortnight began this week and runs until Sunday 31 May. Lambeth Council is appealing to our community – now, more than ever, new people are needed to come forward and apply to become foster carers.

Mental Health Awareness Week

Hosted by the Mental Health Foundation, Mental Health Awareness Week is the UK’s national week to raise awareness of mental health and mental health problems and inspire action to promote the message of good mental health for all. The week runs from 18-24 May 2020. The theme is kindness.

Waste and recycle centres to reopen

The Smugglers Way Household Recycling Centre will reopen to the public on Monday 11 May 2020 and Vale Street Reuse and Recycle Centre on Thursday 14 May 2020 - for essential journeys only.

Spare a thought for your local pubs

The COVID-19 crisis could lead to many pubs going bankrupt as with no income they struggle to pay rent and utility bills despite being closed. The Railway Tavern on Station Rise, Tulse Hill has to pay nearly £2k + VAT per week and has launched a crowdfunder appeal, pledge £10 to receive a pint voucher and £30 for a bottle of wine.

Thames Water Mains Works now to continue to August 2020

As you will be aware, the Thames Water mains works have been continuing - the works are considered to be essential works and so will continue during lockdown, albeit at a slower pace due to social distancing. The works will now not include the replacement of the last 200m of mains pipes from Chatsworth Way to Robson Road. Live waste water and other pipes have been found in close proximity to the water main, and so it is too difficult to replace the mains pipe. The implications for our area of this pipework not being replaced during the current works are unknown.
