• Norwood Forum


Station to Station

Station to Station is an organisation set up by the local business community, funding projects to improve West Norwood and Tulse Hill for those who live, work and visit. You can find out more about their plans at stationtostation.london and follow on twitter @stationTstation.

Police drop-in meetings

Your local police teams are holding regular ward-based drop-in meetings and all are welcome to attend. Notice of these meetings is published on the met police website (your area section), some with more notice than others. Published information as of today (5 February) is as follows:

Gipsy Hill

Drop-in surgery

Chapel Road – community garden

Jason Prentis of Veolia has done a number of great projects to improve Norwood.  Most of the street planters are his work and he has organised clear up campaigns.  His new plan is to create a community garden at the junction of Knight’s Hill and Chapel Road to turn it from an unloved illegal dumping ground into something we can all enjoy and be proud of.  The Garden has been designed by local resident Tessa Parikian - 

Knollys Goods Yard

Over the last year there has been a lot of activity regarding the Knollys Goods Yard, the triangular shaped land surrounded by railway tracks that is off Knollys Road and owned by Network Rail.

Crime Statistics

Norwood Forum will be reporting regularly on crime in West Norwood using data obtained from the Metropolitan Police.  Below are the top three reported crimes in December 2017 for each Ward. For Knights Hill and Thurlow Park burglary and assault without injury were the major reported criminal activity and in Gipsy Hill drugs offences and theft from vehicles topped the list. 



Involvement opportunity - Healthy London Partnership

The Healthy London Partnership is a collaboration of London’s health and care system to support the delivery of better health in London. Two patient representatives are sought to sit on the London Choosing Wisely Steering Group.

An Everyman Cinema to open in Crystal Palace.

The Palace Cinema Campaign announced last week that Everyman plan to “restore a four-screen cinema to Crystal Palace, bringing films to audiences on the big screen on a regular basis for the first time in fifty years.”

The Campaign will provide a further update once more is known. The original catalyst for the campaign back in June 2009 was the sale of the Gala Bingo Hall, 25 Church Road (the former 1920's art deco Rialto cinema), to Kingsway International Christian Centre (KICC).

Leisure Activities for South Lambeth Seniors

Time on your hands?

Looking for new interests?

You are guaranteed a warm welcome from the following groups operating in the Norwood area:

Norwood Pensioners

Activites: Flower arranging, Tai Chi, Chair Based Exercise and Line Dancing 

Meet on Tuesdays (10am - 3pm) at The Old Library, Knights Hill, West Norwood,SE27 9JX

For more information contact: Elsie Gardener on 01883 622902

U3A Norwood

Lambethans Society: closing down arrangements

The Annual General Meeting on 30 November agreed that the Lambethans Society would close.  Alternative arrangements are set out below.

Summer Walks series: Several societies and friends groups provide the walks, with shared publicity organised by the Lambeth Local History Forum.  A printed list of walks will be available at Lambeth libraries or from the amenity societies listed below by April.
