• Norwood Forum


Lambeth music survey

This survey is run by the Lambeth Music Service which works to deliver musical experiences to young people in our borough. They want to know of any musical activities your children are currently involved in and what other opportunities you would like to see provided in Lambeth.

West Dulwich Street Improvements

Update 5 May 2023
The public information event in West Norwood Library on 22 April was not well advertised, and we understand there was too little space and too few staff, which combined with lots of public in attendance, did not make for a wholly satisfactory event, but there is still time to add your comments to the Commonplace website - closing date is Sunday 7 May - follow this link.

The Brockwell Park to Gipsy Hill (aka Rosendale Road) Healthy Route

Healthy routes are part of Lambeth’s Transport Strategy. Lambeth says they are routes that have the right conditions to enable more people to walk/wheel and cycle. They link people with places they need to get to, such as schools, workplaces, shops, amenities, and public transport. Healthy routes are convenient, safe and is accessible to all. They can be on quiet streets where traffic levels are low or on main roads where dedicated space is provided for walking/wheeling and cycling.  

free singing programme for new mother(and their babies)

A free singing programme for new mothers (and their babies) running for 10 weeks. Mothers wishing to participate should register here and go through the screening process. The sessions begin on Tuesday 9 May 2023 (10:30–11:30am) and are held at the Sunnyhill Children’s Centre in Streatham.

SLBI April 2023 newsletter

The latest newsletter from the South London Botanical Institute can be read here. There's news of all their events happening over the next month or so, and still time to participate in their annual survey.
