We last reported at the end of October 2024 on progress with the National Lottery Heritage Fund (NLHF) project at West Norwood Cemetery and on other issues. The NHLF project seeks to conserve the Cemetery’s magnificent landscape and built structures, as well as offer new experiences and facilities to increase community use. Following a meeting of the Strategic Partnership Board (SPB) on 28 January 2025 (see below), we can now provide an update on the project and other issues.
Robson Road entrance
Until the recent SPB meeting we understood the new Robson Road entrance would be completed by 31 May 2025. Officers have now reported that works on site will not start until April/May 2025 and the completion date has been pushed back to October 2025. We have expressed our concerns at these continuing delays and the apparent lack of progress on other matters that need resolution to ensure no further delays are encountered. We asked the Co-Chairs of the SPB (Councillors Olga Fitzroy (St. Martin’s ward) and Emma Nye (Knight’s Hill ward)) to meet with the relevant Cabinet Members to establish what action needs to be taken to establish a firm programme for the completion of the entrance works.
The new entrance of course is a top priority for the local community and has been long-awaited. It will open up the cemetery and provide a much-improved access and journey through the grounds, as well as provide easier out of hours access for events held at St. Stephen’s Chapel.
We again expect the Council to update local residents by letter and to be updated further before the April meeting on the programmed start of the works.
We have expressed concern at the Council’s continued strimming of the oval-shaped conservation area (or wildlife area), but this work continues.
NLHF Project packages: progress
Package B: Drainage and paths works: The various snagging items we reported have or will be dealt with outside of the snagging process.
Package A1: St. Stephen's Chapel and 14 monuments: Completion of the conservation and conversion works at St. Stephen’s Chapel has overrun further and we await information on handover to Lambeth. We look forward to hearing about the plans for celebratory opening events; the flexible space will be available for public use - events, functions, installations and exhibitions on a case by case basis, starting with a series of test events. The SPB approved business and management plans (including planned uses and alcohol as laid out in the Deed of Transfer from the Diocese), and toilet provision is being reviewed.
On the restoration works to 14 monuments, the Xenophon E Balli monument has been completed but works are outstanding with the Thomas Ibbotson monument. Progress with the George Dodd monument has also stalled, with options for renovation to be considered.
Package A2: Visitor Centre, Hubbard Road and Robson Road entrances and boundary wall works:
This ongoing contract was let to Buxton Building Contractors, and they have now left site. The Hubbard Road entrance works have not been completed (last given date for completion was November 2024) and handed over. Highway works outside the new Hubbard Road gate have not been undertaken. Similarly, completion of the Visitor Centre was not achieved by November 2024, but it is believed Bereavement Services will shortly be able to move back into the building, even though the external works are not complete. See above for news on Robson Road.
The works to the Boundary walls, which included repainting of the front and some side railings in “Norwood Spice” has been completed alongside minor stone repairs.
Catacombs restoration plans: possible NLHF bid
The current catacombs, a network of subterranean vaults and passages to accommodate burials, are beneath the red brick rose garden opposite the Crematorium building - which has been covered with scaffolding for more than a decade. The catacombs were originally built under both the Anglican and Dissenters chapels - both demolished in the 1950’s-1960’s. The remaining catacombs contain vaults, coffins and a unique hydraulic coffin lift. The plans being developed by Lambeth in conjunction with the NLHF to conserve the catacombs and provide public access once again are currently being reviewed.
Interpretation package (i.e. signage and information)
New signage, explanatory plinths and notice boards will be installed and this work will be completed during May 2025.
Revised Governance arrangements
The Scheme of Management (SOM) has now been amended by Faculty (a legal instrument issued by the Archdeacon). The Faculty means the SPB is no longer in shadow format and can undertake its role to manage the whole Cemetery and to consider and advise the Council on all WNC matters. Delegated authority has been given to the CE and designated officers.