• Norwood Forum

West Norwood Cemetery: autumn 2024 update

We last reported in May 2024 on progress with the National Lottery Heritage Fund (NLHF) project at West Norwood Cemetery which seeks to conserve the Cemetery’s magnificent landscape and built structures, as well as offer new experiences and facilities to increase community use. Following a meeting of the shadow Strategic Partnership Board on 1 October (see below), we can now provide an update on the project and other issues.

Robson Road entrance

In our September newsletter we reported on the Council’s revised arrangements for providing the Robson Road entrance. The Council has decided to seek new tenders from contractors, with the new entrance works now due to commence in January and be completed by 31 May 2025. The last previously advised date (as at April 24) for completion was October 2024.

The new entrance of course is a top priority for the local community and has been long-awaited. It will open up the cemetery and provide a much-improved access and journey through, and provide easier out of hours access for events held at St. Stephen’s Chapel.

We have expressed our concerns at these further delays and asked for officers to check there are no other impediments to opening the entrance before June 2025, including the necessary permission (Faculty) from the Diocese of Southwark and completion of any necessary works to the Robson Road highway. We expect the Council to update local residents by letter and to be updated further before Christmas on the programmed start of the works.


We have expressed concern at the inroads into the oval-shaped conservation area (or wildlife area) as graves are mown at the request of grave owners. This follows the installation without warning of two signs stating paths to graves would be mown on request; there are also other ongoing vegetation clearance works in this area. Also, we have asked that if trees are to be pruned or have to be removed this is undertaken by the Council’s tree service and with proper notice.

We look forward to hearing more about the Council’s landscape management and maintenance plan which will set the template for the future appearance of the Cemetery and the work by both volunteers and council staff. We hope this will facilitate the preservation of the uniqueness and variety of the landscape and its fauna and flora. We have suggested that the Council co-opts members to the shadow Strategic Partnership Board (see below) from appropriate local nature conservation groups. Meanwhile, we were pleased to learn the Cemetery has retained its existing Green Flag award which recognises well-managed parks and open spaces.

NLHF Project packages: progress

Package B: Drainage and paths works:
We have not heard further on progress with the various snagging items we reported.

Package A1: St. Stephen's Chapel and 14 monuments
Completion of the conservation and conversion works at St. Stephen’s Chapel has overrun considerably, and the handover is further delayed by works to connect the water and electricity supplies, internal works (e.g. floor cleaning) and remaining ground works. Outline plans for celebratory opening events are in-hand. Once fitted out, the flexible space will be available for public use - events, functions, installations and exhibitions on a case by case basis, starting with a series of test events.
On the restoration works to 14 monuments, there are minor outstanding matters with the Thomas Ibbotson and Xenophon E Balli monuments. With the George Dodd monument however initial works to remove extensive vegetation and undertake low-level cleaning showed the monument to be in a far worse condition than originally anticipated. Work is underway with experienced conservation & heritage consultants to develop restoration options. A further application for a small NLHF grant is to be considered in order to fund the restoration outside of the existing NLHF project.

Package A2: Visitor Centre, Hubbard Road and Robson Road entrances and boundary wall works:
This ongoing contract is let to Buxton Building Contractors. The Hubbard Road entrance works are now due for completion in November 2024. Completion of the Visitor Centre has also slipped to November 2024, to be followed by fitting out. On the Boundary walls, repainting of the front railings in “Norwood Spice” is nearing completion.

Catacombs restoration plans: possible NLHF bid

Plans are being developed by Lambeth in conjunction with the NLHF to provide public access to the catacombs, which is a network of subterranean vaults and passages to accommodate burials. The current catacombs lies beneath the red brick rose garden which has been covered with scaffolding for more than a decade. The catacombs were originally built under both the Anglican and Dissenters chapels - both demolished in the 1950’s-1960’s. The remaining catacombs contain vaults, coffins and a unique hydraulic coffin lift.

Revised Governance arrangements

The Council decided to abolish the Implementation Board responsible for oversight of the NLHF project (which is expected to overrun by a year to April 2025). The shadow Strategic Partnership Board (shadow SPB), now re-established under the joint chairship of Councillors Olga Fitzroy (St. Martin’s ward) and Emma Nye (Knight’s Hill ward), will progress all Cemetery matters. However, the shadow SPB has limited decision-making powers; the Scheme of Management Committee (established by Court Order in 1997) continues to hold full responsibility for the consecrated area. Its abolition has long been agreed in principle by Lambeth and the Diocese of Southwark, but the dissolution process continues.

Revised Cemetery Regulations

The shadow SPB considered draft revised Cemetery Regulations which are aimed at facilitating increased public use of the Cemetery. The revised Regulations will recognise that people will visit the Cemetery in growing numbers (especially once the two new entrances are provided) for leisure, quiet contemplation and as part of their journeys to central West Norwood and beyond. Cycling is already permitted, and the Regulations and accompanying signage will clarify that cyclists are permitted to travel through the Cemetery using the same roads as motorists.

Lastly, we highlight again the wide range of events being held in the Cemetery all the time. You can find out more about the project and ongoing events on the NLHF project website ‘West Norwood Cemetery: A New Beginning’ and through social media. Regular talks and walks are held by the Friends of West Norwood Cemetery, including the monthly guided walk of some of the highlights.