We last reported in the autumn 2023 on progress with the National Lottery Heritage Fund (NLHF) project at West Norwood Cemetery which seeks to conserve the Cemetery’s magnificent landscape and built structures, as well as offer new experiences and facilities to increase community use. Following a meeting of the Implementation Board on Friday 19 April, will can now report an update.
Following on from the increased costs previously reported, a separate application to the NLHF to undertake the Robson Road entrance works was successful. The remaining works have now been rescheduled and the completion date of the project has now been pushed back to spring 2025.
The various works are divided into a number of works packages; the remaining works to be completed are:
Package B: Drainage and paths works: we have escalated the delay in addressing the various snagging items we reported (mostly two years ago):
- large area of rain water pooling on Church Road just south of the River Effra marker
- cracking in the tarmac on Church Road, Crematorium Road and along St. Mary At Hill path
- flaking paintwork on railings at Reddins Hill
Package A1: St. Stephen's Chapel and 14 monuments:
The extensive renovation and conservation works of St. Stephen's Chapel in the Greek Enclosure are being undertaken by Sally Strachey Historic Conservation. As previously reported the renovation works undertaken to the main ceiling (the Cella ceiling - last painted in the 1960s) have been removed and a complete repaint undertaken. This looks magnificent and it should ensure the conservation works have real longevity. Completion of the conservation and conversion works has overun considerably, and the handover is further delayed by works to connect the water and electricity supplies, and both internal works (e.g. floor cleaning) and ground works remain to be completed. Whilst there is no firm date yet on the completion of the works, plans for a grand opening in October 2024 are being discussed. The flexible space will then be available for public use - events, functions, installations and exhibitions. The Greek Enclosure has been closed to the public without notice recently but if you find the main gate shut it is accessible through a side gate.
On the restoration works to 14 monuments; no detail has been reported recently but in January works remained to be undertaken to the Dodd (existing scaffolding to be purchased and remain in situ until funding is identified for more fundamental repairs than envisaged), Balli, Sparenborg and Ibbotson monuments.
Package A2: Visitors Centre, Hubbard Road and Robson Road entrances and boundary wall works:
This ongoing contract is let to Buxton. We were disappointed to learn that the employment of a stone mason apprentice has not been delivered. Plans are to be developed for an events assistant apprentice instead.
Hubbard Road entrance: the new gate is designed to closely replicate that thought to be in existence until the 1920s. The planned opening of the new entrance is now the October 2024 half term.
Robson Road entrance: a newly designed entrance was reported and local residents have apparently been updated on progress by letter. Again, the planned opening is the October 2024 half term. It was announced that the entrance is no longer part of “the approved purposes” of the project; the significance of this was not reported.
Visitor centre: works are also scheduled for completion in time for an opening over October 2024 half term.
Boundary walls: no information was provided on any works to be undertaken.
The business plan and management plan for St. Stephen's Chapel are near completion; we were pleased to offer comments on these and possible amemdnments to the Cemtery Regulations. We have no news on the expected conservation plan and grounds management & maintenance plan. However, changes to the governance arrangements of the Cemetery are being considered.
Lastly, we highlight again the wide range of events being held in the Cemetery all the time. You can find out more about the project and ongoing events on the NLHF project website ‘West Norwood Cemetery: A New Beginning’ and through social media.
Regular talks and walks are also held by the Friends of West Norwood Cemetery, including the monthly guided walk of the highlights.
We are currently sponsoring the weekly Wellbeing walk around the Cemetery- every Wednesday from 12:30pm. All are very welcome.