• Norwood Forum

Norwood Forum's first virtual Community Conversation

You are invited to join Norwood Forum's first virtual Community Conversation.

As we take the first steps out of this Coronavirus lockdown, what are your hopes and concerns about our environment (both physical and the natural world), your health and wellbeing, and the challenges we face around work and play?

For our first meeting Zoom guests will be limited to 20. Please email your interest in being involved here: info@norwoodforum.org.
Don’t worry if you don't get a place via Zoom, as you will still be able to participate via our facebook page; this will include being able to ask questions.

If this virtual meeting works and proves useful, we hope to repeat the event, enlarge it, and look at ways we can increase access for those not online.
Everyone is especially invited to email in their questions in advance so we can prioritise the key emerging issues: info@norwoodforum.org.

Please join us; we look forward to hearing your views.  

When: Monday 1 June 2020 at 6.30-7.30pm
Where: Zoom meeting and The Norwood Forum facebook page.

event date: 

Monday, June 1, 2020