• Norwood Forum


Festival of Love

This year Valentine’s Day will fall on a Sunday. There will sadly be no candlelit dinners in restaurants or special trips out.

However, local cafes, restaurants and pubs will be offering click & collect/delivery of themed meals, and local butchers, bakeries, supermarkets etc. will tempt you with special offers for your at home celebration. The Love in Lockdown list of local Valentines offers usefully put together by Station to Station will give you some ideas.

Census 2021: additional information

The census is coming, and it makes a difference to everyone. By taking part and telling the Office for National Statistics (ONS) about yourself, you will help make sure you and your community get the services and support needed.

Driving in London: the Ultra Low Emission Zone (ULEZ) is expanding

Air pollution is not just a central London problem, with many areas still exceeding the legal limits for pollution across the city. As a reminder, the ULEZ is to expand from 25 October 2021 right up to the South Circular (A205) and North Circular (A406) roads. To check the implications for you, the TfL site has both post code and vehicle checkers.

New electoral arrangements for Lambeth Council: draft recommendations

The Local Government Boundary Commission for England has published its draft recommendations for new ward boundaries for the whole of Lambeth.
The recommendations are far-reaching, and views are now sought, particularly on the location of the ward boundaries and the names of the proposed new wards.
Views are now sought by 12 April 2021.

Lambeth Council parent and carer survey

Lambeth Council is carrying out research to gather your views about communication. The most recent SEND (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities) inspection found that some parents and carers had not heard of Lambeth’s SEND local offer and the support that is available for their children and young people. This highlighted a clear need to heighten awareness and to increase accessibility. To help us shape Lambeth's new Communication Plan, they want to hear from you to better understand your preferred methods of communications.

Sydenham Hill Wood: Cox's Walk Oaks saved

A longstanding campaign to save two veteren Oak trees adjacent to the Cox's Walk footbridge in Sydenham Hill Wood has been successful. Last week permission was refused for the felling of the two mature oaks, and a provisional Tree Preservation Order (TPO) placed on the whole of Cox's Walk and Sydenham Hill Wood (which will continue for a further six months or until the order is confirmed by Southwark Council).

TfL online Cycle Skills course

Transort for Londod are running an online cycle skills course for all cyclists. Whether you are new to cycling or just want to brush up on your skills, this course provides easy to follow tips and advice to get you going.
