• Norwood Forum

The Lambeth Community Fund is now open for applications

Grants of up to £20,000 (over 24 months) are available through the Lambeth Community Fund, which focuses on improving the wellbeing and quality of life of Lambeth residents. Wellbeing covers a broad range of components that an individual needs to live a full and well-rounded life.


All applications must address at least one of the three following themes:

  • Stronger Together – bringing together people from diverse parts of the community to celebrate what it is to be a Lambeth resident. This theme encourages local organisations to share, learn and grow together to create a strong and vibrant voluntary and community sector.
  • Feeling Fine – focusing on the physical, mental, and emotional wellbeing of residents of all ages and backgrounds, looking after the body, mind and soul. This theme is about health and happiness for all, including those who are particularly vulnerable or have specific needs.
  • Learning for Life – helping residents to reach their full potential through the development of skills, knowledge, and experience. Whether this helps them to find a meaningful job in their chosen career or learn more about something they are passionate about, this theme is about keeping the mind active and challenged, whatever their age.

Your application must address one of the above three fund themes. Additionally, applications should show how they:

  • Work with the most disadvantaged members of the community, those who are not currently accessing services.
  • Actively involve the communities who will benefit from the grant in planning projects and making it happen.
  • Work in partnership or link with other Lambeth organisations.

Additional Information:
Most of the funding available is flexible, however, the Fund have some specific funding to meet certain criteria. Your application must still address one of the three fund themes (above) but if your project also addresses one of the following, please highlight this in your application:

  • Benefits the Portuguese-speaking community.
  • Supports young people aged under 25 into positive activities. This includes supporting NEET young people (those not in education, employment, or training) into education, training, or apprenticeships.

They will fund both new and existing projects:
You can apply for any costs towards your project, including e.g., staff/sessional costs associated with delivering the project, volunteer expenses, venue hire, materials and small equipment, insurance.

They encourage applicants to follow the principles of ‘full cost recovery’ and include core costs within the budget, i.e. including an appropriate portion of the organisation’s rent, administrative costs and utility bills.

For further information please see: www.culturehive.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/Full-cost-recovery.pdf.

Organisations with an annual income of £250,000 or less can apply. Organisations with total income in their last financial year above £5,000 should not apply for more than 50% of their annual turnover.

All projects must be for the benefit of Lambeth residents, and the Fund expect activities to take place within the borough, unless there is a good reason for them not to – for example, the project includes a residential trip. 

Lambeth based constituted community groups, registered charities, charitable incorporated organisations (CIOs), companies limited by guarantee (without shares), or community interest companies (CICs) (without shares) are all eligible to apply to the fund. 

Please note, eligible organisation must have at least three unrelated members legally responsible for the governance of the organisation; Trustees for a charity or CIO / Directors for a company/CIC limited by guarantee / Management Committee members for an unincorporated association.

The fund is aimed at small, grassroots organisations, and the Fund is particularly interested in projects that are led and delivered by the communities who will benefit.

The deadlne for applications is 12 noon Friday 7 October 2022.

Apply now