• Norwood Forum

Have your say on Lambeth's Health and Wellbeing Strategy

UPDATE 20.09.22: A further workshop has been arranged for the VSE sector for Monday 3 October 2022 at 2pm. This follows on from previous engaging workshops. See below for details. 

Lambeth Council and partners want your views on proposed priorities for a new Health and Wellbeing Strategy. 

The proposal and purpose: The new Health and Wellbeing Strategy will set out a number of key priorities which will drive action to create change and help improve the health and wellbeing of all who live, work and play in the Borough. The Strategy is designed to reduce health inequalities which exist in the borough and they want to know what you think is the most important to tackle.  

Background information: It is a statutory requirement to have a Health and Wellbeing Strategy. The current strategy in Lambeth runs out in 2023.

Early engagement has already been undertaken with a variety of organisations and individual stakeholders and a number of areas of focus have been indetified. However, there is a need to refine these areas so they are the ones which will make the biggest difference and where there will be the greatest improvement. 

How to respond: Let them know what should be included in the strategy, and help prioritise them, by completing the online HWB Strategy Survey.

Also for the voluntary and community sector there is an Engagement Workshop on Monday 12 September 2022: book now.

The results of the consultation will be built into the final Health and Wellbeing Strategy’s priorities, which will be formally agreed by the Health and Wellbeing Board in the autumn.

Closing date was: Sunday, 18 September 2022

Further VSE workshop now arranged:

Monday 3 October 2022 at 2pm.

"Join us as we host Councillor Jim Dickson, Cabinet Member for Healthier Communities (job-share) and Councillor Marcia Cameron, Cabinet Member for Healthier Communities (job-share) as well as Lambeth Health and Wellbeing colleagues for this special VCS event.

The previous workshops have been VERY engaging and Integrate is delighted that the VCSE sector in Lambeth has been able to contribute to this process and has effectively engaged to inform the development of the strategy. 

Lambeth's new Health and Wellbeing Strategy will set out a number of key priorities which will drive action to create change. The Strategy is designed to reduce health inequalities in Lambeth and we want to know what you as a sector think is most important for us to tackle.

We are hosting this workshop to give you an opportunity to contribute. We are very keen to have the views of as many Lambeth charities, community groups and social enterprises as possible.

And we are also really keen to hear your thoughts and views on what is important to you and for Lambeth and would be delighted for you to join us in this vital engagement as the strategy develops."

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