• Norwood Forum

Health and Wellbeing Board - Thursday 23 June 2022

This important meeting of the Borough's Health and Wellbeing Board (HWB) includes an opportunity to play an active role in shaping the emerging new Health and Wellbeing strategy.

The  HWB has a statutory responsibility for developing and implementing a Strategy to improve the health and wellbeing of the local community and reduce inequalities for all ages. The Strategy extends across all health, social care, public health and children’s services, and sets out the Board’s priorities in tackling the needs identified through the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA). Lambeth’s first ten-year Health and Wellbeing Strategy was agreed in 2013 and subsequently refreshed in 2016. The existing Strategy runs until 2023 but work is now underway to develop a new Strategy for the next five years.
Venue: Committee Room (B6) - Lambeth Town Hall, Brixton, London, SW2 1RW

Contact: Julia Skinner, Democratic Services,  020 79260147, jskinner@lambeth.gov.uk
Note: To join the meeting via Microsoft Teams please copy and paste this link into your browser: https://bit.ly/3MEFHUd. If you want to watch the live broadcast, please copy and paste the following link into your browser: https://bit.ly/3tsZIX0. The video will remain available to view for 180 days. The agenda is currently published online. Click below to view.

Meeting Agenda