Sport England has launched a new £5 million fund to mark the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee that aims to use sport and physical activity to bring communities together and tackle inequalities.
There are 13 walk-in clinics all over Lambeth offering first,second and booster jabs, including the Civic Centre in Brixton which will be open most days until 31 December 2021. There are more clinics in neighbouring boroughs which might be closer for some residents:
Apply online and apply on time. If you live in Lambeth and your child was born between 1 September 2017 and 31 August 2018, you must make sure you apply for a primary or infant school place before midnight 15th January 2022.
Parent Zone Local offers expert advice, courses and activities, for anything to do with your online world. Resources and events are offered to support your family around a range of online challenges and issues, including: