• Norwood Forum

Lambeth Council Apprenticeships funding webinar

Whether you are ready to employ an apprentice or are not yet sure how an apprenticeship might benefit your business, attend Lambeth Council's Apprenticeship & Apprenticeship Funding webinar and find out more!

Lambeth Council is actively seeking businesses and organisations who can create new apprenticeships for local residents and are keen to explore how they can support this activity through funding for apprenticeship training (Levy Transfer), linking up with good quality apprenticeship providers to understand what apprenticeship standards would work best for you and also providing support with all aspects of the recruitment process. 

To register for this event and receive the meeting link, complete the registration form by clicking 'Book now' below. If you are not able to attend but would like some further information, please email the team at opportunitylambeth@lambeth.gov.uk 

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