• Norwood Forum


Become a foster carer

Join the Lambeth Fostering Service at the next online fostering information session on Thursday 17 February 2022 at 7pm to find out more about becoming a Lambeth Foster Carer. 

West Dulwich neighbourhood consultation

Lambeth Council is carrying out a neighbourhood consultation (information gathering stage) on possible street improvements in an area north and south of Lancaster Avenue.

New NHS statutory Integrated Care System: webanairs

The South East London Integrated Care System, which brings together all the organisations responsible for delivering health and care for local communities, are hosting webinars for local people to attend. The webinars will be an opportunity for residents to learn more about the formal establishment of the South East London Integrated Care System (ICS) and what this means for local people.

Volunteers needed at MHA Communities South London

MHA Communities South London support older people to live independently in their own homes and communities for as long as possible. They offer a variety of exciting social activities and services for people aged 55 and over and are now seeking volunteers to help. 
