The Norwood Community Safety Partnership is in the process of transitioning to a new platform.
During this time the links below may not all function perfectly, please contact with any queries.
Neighbourhood Watch
Neighbourhood Watch is the largest volunteer-led crime prevention charity in England and Wales with over 60,000 active volunteers, two million support households and the most comprehensive and wide ranging crime prevention and community support website (from How to reduce parcel and cycle theft through Reducing risk toolkits for loneliness and vulnerability to focused guidance for student safety and cybercrime. The cybercrime advice cross refers to Get Safe Online the main UK source of advice, guidance and Self Help Tool tool kits .
Neighbourhood Watch groups are independent of the police but in London operate within an agreement between the Borough Neighbourhood Watch Associations and the Metropolitan Police which includes co-operation with the relevant Community Police Teams and providing representatives on the Lambeth Safer Neighbourhood Board. Most groups are linked to Tenants and Residents Association and/or WhatsApp groups serving that estate or street.
All interested residents can visit join us - Neighbourhood Watch Network to sign up to receive the newsletter, national alerts and newsletters and discounts direct, thus reducing load on local co-ordinators in filtering information for Tenants and Residents Associations, WhatsApp groups etc.
WalkSafe is the UK’s leading personal safety app, heavily subsidised by the hospitality industry. The Walksafe maps for the Homesafe, Follow Me and Student and Business features show the Safer Business Network Safe Havens including those in the Lambeth Safe Havens Directory. The Safe Haven video indicates what is entailed in becoming a safe haven, including registration with the Ask For Angela service. The maps are also used for the Good Night Out Campaign. See also Met Police advice on Spiking and Honest information about drugs (
Love Your Doorstep
The first Love Your Doorstep schools patrols in West Norwood meet at Kingsdale School and head out towards West Dulwich station and into Gipsy Hill. Volunteers are police checked and equipped with tabards, radios, first aid kits and basic safeguarding training. Interested parents, grandparents and local residents wishing to volunteer should contact: Sign up West Dulwich.