Helen Hayes MP for Dulwich and West Norwood will be the guest speaker at our AGM, as we hold our third Community Conversation – click on flyer below:
Our AGM is where we agree our Committee members and officers for the year. Volunteering with Norwood Forum is a real opportunity for you to learn and develop new skills, or use and hone existing ones (e.g. organising meetings, presentation skills, writing articles, social media, website administration, project management). Whether you have never volunteered before, have loads of experience or only recently begun helping your neighbours during Covid-19 and would like to do some more – we are interested in your fresh ideas, perspectives and skills. Click on flyer below:
The necessary paperwork for appointment on the committee is here:
Also at our AGM we will review all our activities for the year. The paperwork for the meeting is here:
00 Agenda
03 Minutes of the last AGM held on 13 July 2019
04 Chair’s annual report 2019-20
05 Treasurer’s report 2019-20
Any queries? Please get in touch.
Sunil de Sayrah, Chair - Norwood Forum
When: Friday 14 August 2020 (5:30-6:30pm)
Where: Meeting live streamed to Facebook: @TheNorwoodForum