• Norwood Forum

Volunteer with Norwood Forum

Your community needs you - whether your interest is in sustainability, the arts, comms, politics, the built environment, engagement, or young people ...
Do you have green fingers? A terrific way with a spread sheet? Are you interested in the latest Health and Wellbeing initiatives?
Have you got just a few hours to spare per month, or looking to spend a regular afternoon helping a community project move forward?
All this and much, much more - is all yours with Norwood Forum.
Intrigued? Get in touch: info@norwoodforum.org and come along to our annual Community Round-up to meet us:

When: Saturday 13 July 2024; 2:00pm - 4:30pm**

Where: The Old Library, 14-16 Knights Hill, West Norwood, London SE27 0HY

Volunteering with Norwood Forum is also a real opportunity to learn and develop new skills, or use and hone existing ones (e.g. organising meetings, presentation skills, writing articles, social media, website administration, project management). Whether you have never volunteered before, have loads of experience or only began helping your neighbours during Covid-19 and would like to do some more – we are interested in your fresh ideas, perspectives and skills. 

And if you want to take the step and join the committee right now - below you will find the application form and helpful notes. The deadline to apply is noon, Saturday 6 July, 2024.

** Following the announcement that the General Election would be held on 4 July 2024, we took the decision to delay our AGM and hold a political hustings event instead. This has bow been arranged jointly with Herne Hill Forum and will be held on Wednesday 26 June 2024; doors 6.30pm - hustings start at 7pm sharp.