• Norwood Forum

Mental Health

#ThrivingNorwood activities and support for adults currently experiencing mental health challenges

Who are Key Changes?
Key Changes was founded in 1997 by patients at Highgate Mental Health Centre who sought access to music activities whilst they were undergoing extended treatment in hospital. Today, the two core community programmes remain driven by beneficiaries, through regular consultations and by our growing network of freelance mentors and event co-facilitators who have lived experience of mental health issues and accessed our programmes as participants in hospital and/or the community.
Our programme staff are all music industry producers with a high level of credibility for the target group. All mentors have undertaken extensive training in mental health awareness and safeguarding, in order to support vulnerable people safely and effectively.
All members of Key Changes SMT have at least five years experience within our team, and have successfully delivered similar grant funded projects and contracts on behalf of City Bridge Trust, Lloyds Bank Foundation, London Borough of Islington, National Lottery Fund, Arts Council England and many more.
Contact: for more information on this project and organisation: Harriet Wood volunteer@keychanges.org.uk
Website: keychanges.org.uk/
Facebook: www.facebook.com/keychanges
Twitter: twitter.com/keychangesmusic
Instagram: www.instagram.com/keychangesmusic/