#ThrivingNorwood activities and support for inter-generational projects
Who is The Dante Leigh Foundation?
As lead of the Foundation, Jean Leigh has several years of working within charities in the UK including that of an international medical charity as their Chief Finance and Operating Officer. The Foundation has an ongoing campaign called 'Disability Awareness - It's an Everyday Thing' which is managed by Jean. It involves connecting business communities, schools and colleges with their perception of disability within their environment and daily lives.
Contact: for more information on this project and organisation: contact Jean Leigh mahala1996@yahoo.co.uk
Website: www.danteleighfoundation.org.uk
Facebook: www.facebook.com/danteleighfoundation
Twitter: twitter.com/danteleighuk
Creative Connection run by Julie Norburn - for everyone
What? Creative workshops open to everyone.
How to get involved? Please contact Julie Norburn jewels@art4space.co.uk or 07816 386270.
Who is behind Creative Connection?
Julie says: 'Life, people, and possibilities deeply inspire me, and I am passionate about bringing the community together and encouraging others to develop a better understanding and appreciation of the arts and creativity as a tools for well being. Supporting human skills and creativity has never been more important, especially in a world that’s increasingly relying on technology to support and nurture human connection. Creative Chance is my opportunity to use my passion and knowledge to empower people to make creative expression and ‘responses’ a reality for everyone, so they can develop their own personal creative toolkit and use it as a precious resource any time they need it in life. I fight for social equality and the rights that everyone has to lead a safe and healthy life, filled with opportunities for learning, creativity and fun. I teach with sensitive care to each individual as everyone is unique.'
Contact: for more information on this project and organisation: contact Julie Norburn jewels@art4space.co.uk
Website: www.creativechance.co.uk