A large section of our community was affected by the recent Thames Water major burst pipe, plus the impact of existing planned maintenance. Now we have ongoing Gas works in Gipsy Hill which are also causing disruption. There's always something happening in our neighbourhood.
If you need to quickly find what website to look at for the latest information on problems with your utility supplies, we have a webpage that lists that info for Water, Gas and Electricity – under our Useful Info>Utilities tab here
Are you or any of your family, friends of neighbours possibly vulnerable?
If you think you, or anyone you know, might be eligible to be registered as vulnerable with the utility companies, then you can register for extra support. This means you will (should!) get notified individually and if for instance Thames Water are having to supply bottled water, they will (should!) deliver it to you. We know its not a perfect solution, but something we definitely recommend is better to do than ignore.
Find out more here:
Ofgem guidance which is both very clear, and includes info on how to check who your providers are.