• Norwood Forum

Support West Norwood Library

Lambeth Libraries are facing significant budget cuts, and West Norwood Library is seriously impacted with understaffing and reduced spending on books.

We're keen to support our library as it’s an essential part of our community that we can’t afford to lose.

  • Are you a member and don't borrow books as much as you used to?
  • Or do you need to join up? Becoming a member of the library is really easy and you can sign up here.

Its a brilliant community asset but it seems more people go there for coffee than to borrow a book - so please support your local Library!

What next?
The library is  going to be asking regular users to join a panel and share their experiences with Councillors. Your voice could make a real difference in supporting the future of the library. As soon as we have more information on this, we will share here - or just ask when you next visit.