• Norwood Forum

Have your say: Rosendale Road junction with Thurlow Park Road cycling improvements

A consultation has opened on proposed changes to the junction of Rosendale Road and the A205 Thurlow Park Road (South Circular Road).

TfL and the London Borough of Lambeth are introducing a two-way protected cycleway from Brockwell Park to Gipsy Hill that will run across the junction of Rosendale Road and the A205 Thurlow Park Road.

The proposals would help to enable cyclists to cross the junction safely and support people choosing active journeys walking, wheeling and cycling.

The plans include:

  • Changes to turning movements - For southbound traffic on the northern section of Rosendale Road, proposals are to ban the right-hand and left-hand turns from Rosendale Road into Thurlow Park Road. This would mean that all vehicles travelling southbound on the northern section of Rosendale Road could only move “ahead only” at the junction with Thurlow Park Road. These changes are necessary to keep people who are cycling safe as they pass through the junction with Thurlow Park Road, and to keep buses on routes 201 and P13 on Thurlow Park Road moving smoothly.
  • Changes to the pavement - Adjust the southwest corner of the junction to help vehicles turning left into Thurlow Park Road from the southern part of Rosendale Road
  • Changes to the pedestrian crossing in Thurlow Park Road (western arm) - Improve sight lines by relocating the crossing on the western arm of Thurlow Park Road by 1.9m westwards.
  • Changes to pavements and signage - Introduce a shared use footway on the southern side of Thurlow Park Road with drop kerbs and new cycle signage to guide westbound cyclists travelling along the northbound cycle track safely.
  • Kerbed traffic islands - Guide cyclists through the junction by installing kerbed traffic islands in Rosendale Road both northbound and southbound (between the segregated cycleway and the general traffic lane).

There will be two public drop-in sessions for anyone who would like to ask questions:

  • Saturday 19 October at Rosendale Primary School - The Rosendale Road, West Dulwich, London, SE21 8LR (10am - 12pm)
  • Saturday 26 October at Rosendale Primary School - The Rosendale Road, West Dulwich, London, SE21 8LR (10am - 12pm)

The consultation web page https://haveyoursay.tfl.gov.uk/rosendale-road is live and it will be open for six weeks closing Monday 25 November 2024. Local residents and businesses have been written to with full details on the scheme and details on how to provide feedback.

What happens next?

As with all proposals, this scheme is subject to the outcome of the consultation. A consultation report will be published once responses have been received, which will confirm whether the scheme will go ahead or not. 

The report will be available to everyone that takes part in the consultation and a copy will be published on the consultation website.

Please see below computer generated image of how the proposals would look.