• Norwood Forum

Become a Lambeth Tree Guardian

As part of Lambeth's Urban Forest Strategy, Lambeth’s Tree service is launching the Lambeth Tree Guardians Network.

This new initiative will enable Lambeth residents interested in the borough’s existing and new trees to support the establishment of newly planted trees and access educational, volunteering and networking opportunities focused on Lambeth’s wonderful tree population. As the Council is committed to adding at least 5,000 trees by 2026, the active involvement of residents in helping young trees to thrive is more crucial than ever.

On Thursday19 September, Lambeth’s Tree Planting Officer will hold a co-design workshop with community members to plan the shape of the Tree Guardians Network and bring those passionate about trees in the borough together. If you would like to become part of the Lambeth Tree Guardian Network and take part in this workshop, please email treechampions@lambeth.gov.uk.

Spaces will be limited to about 30 attendees.