• Norwood Forum

Norwood Park: Summer Sizzle one day festival

Update (13.06.24)
The Licensing Sub-Committee has refused the application. In due course a recording of the meeting, and draft minutes, will be available here.

Update (07.06.24)
The application is now to be considered on Thursday 13 June 2024, and the agenda and papers can be accessed here. Licensing officers have advised us that only those who submitted objections by 19 April 2024 will be allowed to speak at the meeting in support of their objection. The published advice on the agenda states:
"Members of the public wishing to make representations on items listed within the agenda for this meeting must inform Democratic Services." To confirm you wish to speak, please do inform Democratic Services by 12noon on Wednesday 12 June as follows:
Kaya Small, telephone: 020 7926 0147; Email: ksmall@lambeth.gov.uk and Democracy@lambeth.gov.uk.
 We urge everyone who wishes to speak at the meeting to ask to do so. 

Update (22.05.24)
Although our understanding was that Lambeth Events Team refused permission for the organisers to use Norwood Park to run this festival, apparently the organisers were still at liberty to continue with their License application.
The Lambeth Licensing Sub-Committee met on 21 May 2024. We asked for an update and were advised that a decision on the Summer Sizzle application was adjourned because the Management Plan was not made available to the Sub-Committee. It has been agreed that the application will be determined at the next Licensing Sub-Committee scheduled for 13 June 2024.
You can view the 21 May meeting here

Update (02.04.24): Lambeth Council has refused this event application; it will now not proceed
Lambeth Council has received an application from Our Thing Global Entertainment to run a one day festival in Norwood Park called Summer Sizzle. The event would be held on Saturday, 27 July 2024 with Mavado as headliner.

The application seeks a license for live and recorded music from 1:00pm-9:00pm and for an event capacity of 9,999. The site would be open to the public from 10:00am - 11:00pm (to assist with access to and egress from the event).  

Local ward councillors and the Friends of Norwood Park are aware of the application. Notices for the premises licence application have been posted in the park and details can be read here on the Lambeth Licensing web page. If you have not already done so, you will need to register to make any written representation on the Lambeth Licencing & Planning portal.  Comments made are then anonymised and published for all to read,  so you can see views of other members of the community.