• Norwood Forum

Norwood Society talk: the Story of Woodside

Writing in 1920 Arthur Tooth said, ‘Woodside, nothing more, just rescued from oblivion. Woodside has moved on; I don't mean that there is any difficulty finding it, it is still here, but well-nigh lost in the crowd.’  This talk is a light perambulation around an area familiar to Arthur Tooth, discovering who he was and the Woodside he knew as a place of beauty and simple country life.

When: Wednesday, 20 March 2024; 7:30pm-9:00pm

Where: Upper Norwood Library, 39 Westow Hill, Crystal Palace, London SE19 1T

Further info.: booking here on Eventbrite, or at the door.


event date: 

Wednesday, March 20, 2024