• Norwood Forum

The Flowers that Bloom in the Spring: an illustrated talk

Spring has come early this year, and to celebrate international traveller and lecturer Colin Jones will show us the great floral displays which accompany it in carnivals and gardens all over Europe.  Colin was a Film Director and Editor at the BBC for 35 years; he is now a semi-professional speaker on cruise ships.  He is also President of the Sanderstead Horticultural Society.

When: Monday, 11 March 2024; 2:00pm for 2:30pm

Where: The Phoenix Community Centre (in front of Sainsburys), 66 Westow Street, Upper Norwood, London, SE19 3AF

Further info.: The Phoenix Retirement Association meets at 2:00pm for 2.30pm on the second Monday of each month at the Phoenix Community Centre, and offers high quality talks, social meetings, congenial company and tea and biscuits!  New members are welcome; the subscription is £15 per year (£10 from April) and the visitor’s fee for attending a single meeting is £2.

event date: 

Monday, March 11, 2024