• Norwood Forum

Voting at elections: are you ready?

Am I registered to vote? What elections are due? What is this about photo ID to vote? Read more below.

Are you registered to vote?

Lambeth’s Electoral Services has sent a canvass form to all residential properties to make sure household member details are up to date. Its important for residents to complete and return their forms if they are required to, so they can check that voter details are correct.

Households which do not complete and return their forms may receive a visit from an Electoral Canvasser to encourage them to provide their up-to-date details. All staff will have a Lambeth ID badge and visits will be made in late September to early October.

Find out more

You can check to 

The government's new voter ID scheme has been trialled and is expected to apply to all forthcoming elections. If you vote at the Polling Station you will be required to show an accepted form of photographic ID. If you do not hold such identification, we recommend you apply now for one of these two choices:

  • Postal Vote. The ballot paper is sent to you by post and you complete and send it back by a specified closing date. Lambeth Electoral Services will first carry out the necessary checks. Every voter is entitled to be issued with a postal vote.
  • Voter Authority Certificate. This will enable you to vote in the Polling Station. Lambeth Electoral Services will process the application and send the certificate by post. The certificate is free.

Remember, a by-election or snap general election can be called at very short notice.


see if you are registered, or apply to be registered, at any time. See information published by Lambeth Electoral Services here and here in the summer edition of Lambeth talk  - this included information about eligibity to vote (see pages 14-15).

We suggest you check this now if you are in any doubt.

Elections in Lambeth

There are three types of elections in our area, and these are timetabled as follows:

General election (UK Parliament): no set date, but must be held on or before Thursday 23 January 2025.

London Mayor and London Assembly elections: Thursday 2 May 2024

Lambeth Borough elections: Thursday 7 May 2026

Elections to fill vacancies due to death or other reasons might arise at any time.

Voter ID is here - - -